Want To Start A Food Truck Business? What To Know
If you like to cook and serve and you think that you want to start a food truck, it's a great opportunity for you to make money. You can take this business to many different types of events to make money, and you can even just park in one location on set days. Here are a few of the things that you want to talk with a legal professional about before you get started, and things that you will have to apply for and pay for before you can get going:
Food Permits
You can't just serve food out of a moving vehicle. You need to have the health inspector and other inspection professionals come to your truck to see where you will be preparing your food, and so you can figure out if your cooking and cleaning procedures are approved. There are a lot of regulations you have to follow, and you want to make sure that you get it all done.
Liquor Licensing
Talk with a lawyer about applying for a liquor license so your business can serve alcohol. Offering premixed and canned alcoholic beverage isn't just a way to make extra money when you are rolling around and serving food, but it's also a great way to attract even more customers. Your lawyer will file the paperwork and help you work to find what licenses are available, and what you will qualify for.
You also want to talk with the lawyer about the different types of insurance that you need. You need to have insurance to protect you against liability concerns with your food and when serving alcohol, along with a lot of other things. Make sure that you invest the money and pay for the best coverage, so you don't end up paying for your lack of coverage later on.
If you are putting together a business plan these are some of the things that you have to be prepared to pay, and that you want to factor into your budget, along with the legal fees. You want to make sure that you are doing everything by the book, that your business is 100 percent legal, and that you are safe when serving food to your customers. Talk with a legal professional to make sure that you do everything before you serve your first customer your food, and so you are ready to advertise and market.
Contact a company like Arizona Liquor Industry Consultants for more information and assistance.